Registration Office, The Flat, Land Etc. Agreements are registered in the REgistration Office.
The Procedure to register any document is very lengthy.
1) To Get the Market Value of that place where the Land and Flat is Situated.
2) The According to Market Value or Agreement Value which is more, we have to pay Stamp Duty in the Bank. About 2 months before the Franking Machine which is used to stamp the agreement was only in registration office and it was not given in private banks or other banks. So this People who work in that Stamping Department used to get undue advantage and demand money from us like Rs 50 - 100 per document. Now these Stamping Machine is also given in private banks and they take a nominal fee of Rs 10 that to a with good service.
3) After Franking we have show documnet to regisrtrar and he will give a registration fee challan which we have to pay in bank.
4) Then on take a Token No. for registration for the nexy day.
5) Now At Last after our number comes our document is registered if proper papers are filed.
These Corrupted Registrars charge Rs 250 per registration if we have the token number. And Rs 500 if we do not have token number, these sluts have fixed their rates 250 - 500. These Thing Sucks, Even the whole registration process is computer operated these people do corruption. And people have to pay these money otherwise they will harrass you and say that your documents are not proper or other reason and make our time waste. So every one just give these 250 bucks to these people to get their things done.
People can't help it. CBI should take strict action on these........